Has my blog got hacked again?!

I was checking my email when all of a sudden I saw this email “New WordPress Blog”. I didn’t remembered adding, updating or doing anything with my blog. I thought about it yesterday though. Could it be that WordPress is so smart and read my mind. Something was fishy, »

Developing Flash/Flex on Google Chrome

I find Google Chrome fast startup and multiple processes, a key when developing Flash/Flex applications. And it’s my preferred target browser for stuff other than HTML. The problem is that, when debugging a Flash/Flex application and hitting a breakpoint, the Flash Player is stalled, chrome detect this »

My PureMVC presentation

When it comes to enterprise application it’s difficult to recommend  project owners to bet on a framework that hasn’t proved itself for a long time. So all these sexy new frameworks with their lovely IoC will have to excuse us for now. That leaves us with cairngorm (yeah, »